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What are people saying?

Longview Daily News

June 28, 2024


I’m supporting Mike Reuter for Cowlitz County commissioner because he is the clear choice in the District 1 race.

I think it’s Mike’s coalition-building skills and his experience as mayor of Kalama that matters most in this race, because we all know that is what is lacking on the board of commissioners right now.


As the elected mayor of Kalama, Mike has had to deal with challenges related to balancing the growth of the entire Kalama community with the needs and wants of his constituents.


Mike’s measured and steady hand in fostering the positive economic vibe you get when visiting Kalama, and is what Cowlitz County needs. Mike understands the issues facing Cowlitz County and how those issues impact the citizens of our communities.

Mike is a big-picture type of thinker who won’t be bogged down with frivolous matters outside of his jurisdiction. For example, Mike is the sort of commissioner candidate who won’t get distracted by discussions about Ferris wheels in Longview and the inside baseball of other government organizations.

A vote for Mike Reuter for Cowlitz County commissioner is a safe bet.


Bill Ammons

Longview Daily News

July 19, 2024


Mike Reuter is the only experienced and qualified candidate for Cowlitz County District 1 commissioner.

Mayor Reuter has been a strong and highly capable leader in Kalama. As mayor he has handled a variety of difficult issues including growth, zoning and council disruptions. He has also done and excellent job representing Kalama on county and statewide boards.


Please join me in voting for Mike Reuter, the only experienced and qualified candidate for Cowlitz County Commissioner District 1.


Mike Karnofski

Longview Daily News

July 24, 2024


Ready day one is candidate mayor Mike Reuter, running for Cowlitz County Commissioner Position 1. There's no question, Reuter is qualified, knowledgeable, experienced, and will be financially respectful of your tax dollars.


Also ready day one is candidate Justin Brown, running for Cowlitz County Commissioner Position 2. Emerging, enthusiastic and a dedicated leader, Brown is ready with a listening ear and positive change.


As the recent former mayor of Longview, I have worked closely with Reuter and Brown for several years, and I'm confident they have what it takes to lead Cowlitz County. You will not regret your vote on Aug. 6 for Reuter and Brown.


MaryAlice Wallis

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